10 ways to get excited about your life

Queen Bee
What does your “Queen Bee” look like

While working with my life coach a while back he asked me to name the voice inside my head that believes in me.  Do you know the voice I mean?  It’s your true, inner voice; the one that tells you you can; the one that believes in you, the one that kicks ass.  The way this works for me is that when I listen to this voice, I believe I can.  It helps me trust myself to move forward, make that decision, take that step.  This is my Queen Bee.

Cute, but not helpful

As I am moving forward with a new business venture and busy making one of my dreams come true I find myself calling on my Queen Bee more and more often.  Because right alongside my QB is my doubter voice, the one that tries to say “maybe I can’t” or, “I don’t know how”.

Now that I am connecting with, and listening to, my Queen Bee, things are happening and I am excited!!  It continuously amazes me how things fall into place somehow when I listen to that voice, when I believe in what I am doing and what I can do. I love living with excitement and joy in my life.  I love waking up looking forward to whatever the day is going to bring.  And I love sharing this amplified way of living with others and with you.

So, let me share some of the ways that I get myself to this place joyful place of confidence, life mastery and living true to myself:

  1. Pay attention to what your body and soul is telling you.  Notice when your body responds with enthusiasm and joy to a thought or an idea.  This is your inner voice telling you, you are on the right path.
  2. Exercise.  When I am working out I get pumped about my ideas.  Especially when I am on my own, letting my ideas flow.  Working out makes me feel strong and capable.  Love this amazing feeling and the high I feel when walking out of the gym or when finishing a trail ride in the forest.  When you are good to your body it will respond positively and be good to you
  3. Surround yourself with people who support you and believe in you.  Period.  That’s it.  Walk away from people who try to tell you that you can’t.  They just want to drag you down with them.
  4. Listen to music that gets your mojo going
  5. Be mindful.  Mindful of your surroundings, the small moments, time with loved ones.
  6. Enjoy nature.  I am always taken back by the effect nature can have on me.  I love grabbing my notebook and just sitting and letting the ideas flow, or I just let nature fill me up with its’ beauty and strength
  7. Show your love generously and you will be loved back just as generously.  Sharing your love of life and others feels great.
  8. Time with friends – good friends
  9. Work with a coach, or find a mentor, or someone who can help you.  Asking for help only makes you stronger.

I went for a trail ride this morning and recorded my first “action” video.  Please be kind…. Feeling a little nervous about publishing it, but my Queen Bee is telling me to go for it so I am.